Sterilized Grain Instructions

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Brown oyster mushrooms growing outside

How to use our Sterilized Grain with Inoculation Ports

Our sterylized grain blocks are meant to be innoculated with mycellium cultures. The blocks are made of organic certified materials and sterilized in [thing that sterilizes].




Step 1

In a clean working space, unfold sealed bag to expose inoculation port.

Step 2

Sanitize bag and inoculation port with 70% isopropyl alcohol

Step 3

Inject bag through inoculation port with about 2-5ml of uncontaminated liquid culture or spore syringe

Step 4

Leave bag to colonize in a clean, dark location. Colonization times depend on culture or spores used and temperature. About 2 to 4 weeks.

Step 5

Use fully colonized bag to inoculate substrate


Note: Use a still air box or laminar flow hood for best results


brown oyster mushrooms growing outside
Shevon Fluker

Shevon Fluker


Shevon is an executive coach, educator, co-owner, and the writing half of Mushroom Microfarm, where we help people who love food achieve greater food security, wellness, and awareness.